This POLICY-PAY is part of and attached to the EVENT ORDER between the PARTIES and is in addition to and
not in lieu of any other terms or conditions. Definitions of terms used herein are as provided in the T/C’s.




POLICY-PAY  Rev 081822


1. You can choose to come in to our St. Louis Union Blvd warehouse or do everything online.

  • COME INTO THE WAREHOUSE: Just make an appointment with your event manager. Remember people are often in the field so you need to set up a time before coming in. Bring your contract, credit/debt card or check and your driver's license. (If you are the contract signor, otherwise have the contract signor sign in advance and bring everything for him/her instead of yourself.)

  • OTHERWISE, TO DO EVERYTHING ONLINE: Follow any of these steps that work best for you:

YOU WILL ALWAYS GET AN AUTOMATIC CONFIRMATION WHEN YOU HAVE CORRECTLY SUBMITTED YOUR DOCUMENTS OR FORMS ONLINE USING ANY OF THE APPROVED METHODS BELOW. SAVE THIS CONFIRMATION! It contains tracking information. If you send documents by other means or to other staff --- it is not secure, you risk loss and you may have to resubmit again.

Amerevent offers the best PRICE/QUALITY combination in the region by automating tasks, keeping your costs lower. First, print and sign your contract. If you have a scanner, scan it to a .pdf or .jpg file.  If you do not have a scanner, take a clear, HIGH RESOLUION complete picture of it with your cellphone. CAREFULLY meet the requirements below.

THESE ARE LEGAL DOCUMENTS SO MUST MEET LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. Your photos must be well lit, taken from directly over the top (not from the side or front), not have any fingers or other objects in it and must not have anything cut off. They must be HIGH RESOLUTION. If any of these occur - take another photo otherwise they will need to be refused. 

FAXES, SCANS OR PHOTOS MUST BE SAVED IN JPG (JPEG) OR PDF FORMAT AND AT LEAST 400 PIXELS PER INCH (600-720 PREFERRED). This is also called 400x400 (600x600, 720x720) DPI resolution. Use HIGH DEFINITION settings. A SINGLE PAGE file should be 2-5MB IN SIZE. After doing this, send these to us by one of the following methods:

A PHOTO OR SCAN of your  DRIVER'S LICENSE or (OTHER ACCEPTABLE ID) is needed if you sign the rental contract, provide a checking account or provide a bank card to pay. If provided by different people, EACH must send a copy. DO NOT FORGET - it will hold up your contract and may allow another to rent items you want.

UPLOAD YOUR CONTRACT at It's a simple drag & drop / explore & select 3rd party system that is encrypted & secure. You do not need an account or password to upload files to us.

OR, EMAIL OR FAX YOUR CONTRACT. While not quite as secure you can fax files to: 888-849-2882 toll-free or email them to .

NOTE: IF YOUR FILES ARE NOT DETAILED ENOUGH, WE MUST ASK FOR NEW, HIGHER-DENSITY COPIES. This is required to meet contract law. This will delay your booking and another may get the delivery slot you want.

DO I HAVE TO PROVIDE MY I.D. AND PROVE WHO I AM TO RENT? Simple answer: YES.  No one is going to rent you items worth thousands of dollars without you proving who you are. STOP NOW if you are unwilling!

2. Send us your payment (by web or in person at the warehouse).

Full payment is due upon contracting, but OPTIONAL TIME PAYMENTS ARE AVAILABLE if your event order is over $1500 and there is 75-days or more before your event. You may then initial your contract (next to your contract signature) to select the TIME PAYMENT OPTION ("TPO") of 25% (minimum $375) due with your signed contract, another 50% of the Event Order ("EO") total due 60-days before your event and the balance (and any damage deposit) due 20-days before your event. Depending upon when you contract, you may owe more than one of these time payments at the start. Only one invoice is sent and no reminders are given but you agree payments will be automated using the accounts you provide so you do not become past due and default. You receive an email notice when a payment is taken. Because payments are digital, you authorize FACSIMILE AND DIGITAL SIGNATURES (“FDS”).



EASIEST WAY: Instantly pay by WEBCHECK.  Just send us a picture, fax, scan or pdf of your INVALIDATED CHECK

(AS SHOWN HERE) using our secure upload system, by email to: or by fax to: (888) 849-2882 and our system will create a remote deposit for you. Your check will be processed just like a standard check. It's FREE and you save a stamp! THIS METHOD IS PERFECTLY SAFE AND YOU PROVIDE NO MORE INFORMATION THAN ON A CHECK YOU MAIL IN.


(Be sure to include your Contract #ID number on the memo line so we credit the correct account!)

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE A WEBCHECK PAYMENT BEFORE and your check information is the same, just email and say "USE CHECKING INFORMATION ON FILE FOR PAYMENT DUE". You can give a current check number if you want or one will be created for you. There is no need to resend a check.


Pay by credit or debit BANKCARD. We accept Visa, MasterCard and DiscoverCard (sorry,  not AMEX or others). You can pay by BANKCARD remotely (by web, email, fax, etc.) or directly in person at our St. Louis Union Blvd warehouse (by appointment).

A credit card use authorization was sent to you with your unsigned contract. You can also CLICK HERE to download FORM CCAUTH. Complete, sign and return this either REMOTELY or IN-PERSON.  You will be purchasing ECREDITS  (similar to a gift card)  that is

then applied to your contract account balance. These requirements help prevent fraud because we do not get to see you in person and scan your card. A 3.5% Processor Fee is added to any transaction - both debits and credits (refunds), except security deposit holds. (To avoid fees use one of other methods.)

FORM-CCAUTH must be submitted for BANKCARD use and is not optional.

Submit your bankcard payment in person. Visit the local St. Louis warehouse on Union Blvd (APPOINTMENT REQUIRED, email ) to make a credit/debit card in person. Be sure to have the bankcard and ACCEPTABLE ID for the person who owns the card and for the person signing the contract with you. (They must be scanned into our system.)

Submit your bankcard payment remotely. Complete, sign and return your form CCAUTH by scan or photo (your cellphone will work great if set on a HD photo setting) of CCAUTH form, both sides of your BANKCARD and your POSITIVE ID and send them to us using either our secure upload system, faxing them to: 888-849-2882 (toll-free) or by email to .

Can I make a bankcard payment over the phone or without all the documentation? Unfortunately no, this is not an option.


Pay by deposit at a PNC BANK BRANCH.

You can deposit directly into our special account at any local branch of PNC Bank by downloading our special deposit slip

(Click HERE). Afterwards BE SURE to email  and tell them your contract ID# and the date, time and amount deposited. THEY WILL NOT KNOW TO CREDIT YOUR ACCOUNT IF YOU DO NOT TELL THEM - we do not get enough information from the bank. This is a secure, fast means of making a payment. If there's less than 20-days before your event, it's guaranteed funds only (cash, certified check or direct funds transfer unless you have a credit card on file to guarantee it).



Pay by USPO MAILED CHECK or check delivered by carrier. Mailed or checks delivered to our Accounting Office are accepted (your confirmation invoice has the address or CLICK HERE for it).  A $5 per check fee applies because it cannot be automated and each payment must be processed

into your account by hand. It is also the slowest method --- payments must be received by the due date or late fees may apply. You may send payments directly to our bookkeeping office (CLICK HERE for the bookkeeping address).

DO NOT SEND PAYMENTS by any method requiring a signature or someone to be present for delivery! Our hours do not match the Post Office's or Delivery Services! The $10 manual check processing fee applies if done.

If less than 20-days remains before delivery of your order, a credit card must be placed on file to guarantee your payment clears or a payment made using secure funds, cash or direct bank transfer deposit. To make a future payment, you simply email and ask them to use the WEBCHECK information you send last time to create a new payment for you when your payment is due. Make sure you have funds available to cover the check!

A copy of your I.D. is also needed. CLICK HERE for the template and instructions.

CLICK HERE for the bookkeeping address to mail payments.



YOU MUST INCLUDE a copy of an acceptable I.D. If you sign the rental contract, provide a checking account or provide a BANKCARD for payment, you MUST PROVIDE a current copy of your STATE DRIVER'S LICENSE, MILITARY I.D. or PASSPORT. Upload a clear .pdf or .jpg scan or photo (your cellphone will work great) of your I.D. using our secure upload system, send by email to: or fax it to: (888) 849-2882  If different people provide any one of these, each must provide an I.D.



UPLOAD OR SCAN your files and photos to Amerevent. Save all your files as full color photos or as full-color .pdf scans or .jpg photos. This must include 3 files: (1) your signed contract, (2) your payment forms and (3) a copy of your I.D.  Upload your files using our secure  256-bit encrypted  file transfer system at It is a simple drag and drop / explore and select

system and you do not need an account or password to upload files to us. Also, while not as secure, you can always fax your files to: 888-849-2882 toll-free or email them to . Once received and scheduled, you will receive a confirmation number and invoice and can visit your account online anytime.


UPLOAD OR SCAN your signed contract if you have not already done so. Print off your entire Event Order ("EO") and sign it in the "EVENT ORDER AGREEMENT ("EO") SIGNATURE" area on the  "SIGNATURE (ACTUAL)" line.  Then, like you did above, take a full color photo or make a full-color .pdf scan of your entire EO contract. If you have a .pdf program that allows you to digitally sign your .pdf files, that also can be done. Upload the entire contract with any other payment files or by itself (doesn't matter) to While not as secure, you can always fax your files to: 888-849-2882 toll-free or email them to .



Additional Info: Other contract requirements about PAYMENTS:

PRE-DEFAULT TRANSFERS and AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT SOURCES USE. In consideration of AEG’s allowing you to use the interest free TIME PAYMENT OPTION (“TPO”), you agrees to and authorizes our use any bank account, checking account, BANKCARD or other payment means you supply us to make any payment due on your contract including ADDS, when it becomes due without any further notice or approval. These payments are to be considered automatic and will occur before your contract defaults or late fees are incurred. They are called a PRE-DEFAULT TRANSFER. You agrees this authorization is not revokable or cancellable for the term of the contract. You will receive a notice when a payment is done, but you also agree to  maintain sufficient funding in your accounts so that anything owed can be immediately paid without insufficiency (or bouncing). The $50 return payment fee, late fees and possibly default fees apply if payments bounce.  But free no-interest time payments are nice just plan to keep the right amount of money in your account at the right time.

A $35 return payment fee applies to any payment that your bank does not clear. This can be for any reason and is not refundable, so make sure the correct information is given and you always maintain the needed funds in your account.

A $10 manual processing fee applies to a WEBCHECK that has been incorrectly submitted and cannot be automatically processed. This is easily avoided by using the instructions given with each option. This fee also applies to payments (other than by BANKCARD) that are made less than 20-days before the RENTAL START DATE.

A $5 fee applies to any check that must be manually deposited or created (like for an account balance refund). Automated methods are FREE.

FACSIMILE AND DIGITAL SIGNATURES (“FDS”). The SIGNOR, RENTER and any person providing account information authorize use of FDS on all documents and payments required in and/or for the EO and agree such shall be considered equal to a handwritten signature and fully binding. A copy of their driver’s license, passport or military ID shall be providing to AEG by any person whose signature is required as proof of identity, however, the lack of such shall not change the authorization herein granted.

OVERPAID YOUR ACCOUNT? All payments you send are immediately deposited into your account. We do not know your thinking but if you deposit more than you had to my mistake, you can request a credit balance refund by sending the form at (this is a contract requirement). Checks are processed on the 20th of the month, so you may just want to wait until after your event to get it back with your refundable damage deposit. A $5 charge applies to any of these manually issued checks.


Over 60,000 event rental items available. Appearances can differ, view each item and approve at your local warehouse to assure your needs are met. Photos show Grade A Select, the highest cost option. The lower the grade, the lower the cost but with more defects. See the items grading pages for additional details. Pricing subject to change without notice and will change with market conditions. Website pricing is for estimating only, actual pricing by current quote only. RESERVE EARLY! Orders subject to minimums. AMEREVENT® is the registered trademark of American Event Group, Inc. and © American Event Group, Inc., all rights reserved 2019-2024. Copyright applies to all webpage contents, pricing and documents and may not be used in any media without its expressed written consent.